Tuesday, April 30, 2013

the zoo

   Today I woke up at 6.30.I wear shirt same like Bangpan and Jinny because we bought together at gift shop.we ate rice for breakfast .Then we went to the zoo.It was very hot today.The sun is out.I saw lots of animals.After we finished we ate lunch at restaueant.We got to the bus again to the Aquarium.It had lots of fishes too.I took lots of pictures.Then we walked to the park and ate supper at DQ.I ate ice cream too.It was very delocious.After this I will took a bath ,listen to the music and then I will go to bed cause I am very tired.

Second day as Chicaco

        Today I woke up at 6.20.We wear green shirt together then we ate lasagna.Today I was very fun cause I go lots of places.Today teacher George gave us tickets for train .We went to bean.We took lots of pictures.Then we ate snacks and walked about 2 kilometres to fun fair.It was very fun.I played with Bangpan and others.Then we ate lunch.It was very delicious .I bought some bracelets and rings.Then we went to tallest tower.It was very beautiful city.Then we went to eat pizza.It was very delicious.After this we went back to the hotel.It was very windy but very fun day too.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

already used all tears that I prepared before

  Today I woke up at 6.20.because we have to go to church together for the last time...I ate cereal ,the last meal in my house,I ate more than everyday.I think Brylee cried but she did not want me to know.Today I sat between mom and dad at church.Dad played with me .He was very kind same as my dad in Thailand .I think a lot of the things that I do with my family and want to cry that time but I promised my mom and dad already for not cry so I cant.When we finished we get to the bus for took me to teacher George .I took pictures with Justus,Jacob and Noah.I did not want to cry because if I cry I think my mom and Brylee will cry too so I try not to...Before they go,my mom gave me something and she said that you opened it when you sad.Then she gone.I go into the house.I saw Pokpong,Inn and Bangpan.I was very sad and very want to cry that time so I opened the things that my mom gave me.It was bracelet and cards.I read it then I cried a lot.Bangpan was with me too.She said I am gonna be ok.I think that time I want to ran after your van to the house and stay with you again but I cant.Then I wear that bracelet and I thunk I will wear it forever...I miss you Kupskys.Then when everyone were all come.We got to the bus and drove to Chicaco.Today I was very hungry cause we did not eat lunch and then we were at the hotel.We played a lot and ate a lot.We ate chicken and pizza for supper but when me,Bangpan,May and Jinny .It was very fun.Then I took pictures with Bangpan and others...I was very tired.I took a bath already and then I will talked to my friends and then I will go to bed.Miss you...●3●Sarah,Tim,Justus,Brylee Kupsky and Jacob and Noah...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

prepared tears for tomorrow★{}★

      Sorry that I did not blog last night.Last night my friends in my school came to my house to have party for me.I love that they .I try to do not cry but I cant.Today I stay home with Jinny ,Kendle and caelan.We ate and played all day.We played trampoline and cards.Then Jinny mother came to pick her up.Then I painted my nails again with Brylee.I talked to my friends at school all day cause they say they will miss me.My dad bought chicken for supper.It was really good.I love it cause it was my last supper in this house.I think you will understand my feel.I do not want my mom to cry tomorrow and I must not cry is only one way to make her happy but I think I can not.I will cry a lot tomorrow.I prepared tears for tomorrow already.Now I will shower and then go to bed.Thank you for everything you gave me Tim and Sarah Kupsky.My mom and dad.You will be my mom and dad forever.I will not forget you.I enjoy staying here and I hope that I can come back next year and see you again...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Miss all of youuu.....

    Today we can woke up on time!!Yeahhhhhh.We woke up at 6.20.Then I get dress and ate cereal for breakfast.I go to school and then gave my friends presents.They thanked me very much .Today I talked a lot so my friends told me that I am crazy5555.I read Thai comics for.everyone too.They were very shocked because I read very fast.I gave girls bracelet and key ring and I gave boys 2 key rings because I think boy will not wear my bracelet555.Today I had math test too.It was very hard.I can not do it.£^£.After this we played kick ball.I was sucks5555but that is ok because my friends were so good so we won.I had hamburger for lunch.Today someone bring snake to school too.I was very scared .Then I go home.I ate hamburger,hot dog and chips for supper.It was very good.Noah made it(not mom)$_$Then I go shopping with Noah and my mom.I bought lots of Thai food and seaweed.Noah bought me coffee at stabucks.He paid it for me too.He was very kind.It was too big but it was very delicious.It was my first time to drink coffee so it was very strong.I think tonight I wont be sleep$^$ and I dont want to wake because tomorrow is my last day to go to school.I will be very sad...Goodnight..*£*

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Drawing day

  Today I and Brylee woke up very late again.I was very shock.I do not know why we were not get up on time.I went to school with my mom ,Jacob,Brylee and Noah.Today I had keyboarding class.It was the first and the last class that I learn because other class I draw pictures and read books.Before we go home I draw pictures of boys in class.That was so funny.My friends asked me to draw everyone and show him tomorrow.I ate eggs and noodles for supper.It was very delicious .Then I go downstairs to draw pictures with Brylee and learn math because tomorrow we will have test.Today my mom and dad took a shower of Titon,my dog, too because he was very dirty.He was very stink5555.My mom told me what to do when I am in Chicaco next week so I go downstairs again to pack my bag for Chicaco.Then I will took a bath and go to bed.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

smile day

    Today I and Brylee woke up very late.I was very shocked because our clock did not woke us up so mom went downstairs and woke us up.It was very late so I did not took a shower.I brush my teeth and ate cereal for breakfast.Today I was very happy.I smiled almost all day until my science teacher told me that I was more cute than others hahaha.I gave Even my present that I made yesterday for his birthday.He thank me very much about it.I learnt languge today .I won the game too.I ate rice and pancakes.It was very delicious.Then before go home I gave sweat shirt back to Gam because I forgot to gave her yesterday.Then I ran with Brylee to gave everyone the invite card to come to our home for my party.Then I ate pork and rice for supper.It was very delicious too.After this I ate my ice cream that I bought it from walmart with my dad.I painted my nail again today and I wrote on it SaiBrylee.It was really cool.Then after this I will go to bed.I love this day the most!!££££

Monday, April 22, 2013


   Today I woke up at 4.30. because today I must go to the capital.I was very tired.My mom took us to school at about 5.50.Then she went home.I saw Gam .She came with me today.On the bus,I sat by gam and my teacher.He was very kind.He asked me and Gam if we know Chieng mai ,The city in Thailand,because his friends stay there.Today was very fun .I took  lots of pictures about this trip.I ate sandwich ,bananas and chips for lunch.We ate lunch at the park.Then we walked over.We saw snake too but I could not take a picture because teacher did not allow us to do.We keep walking until we got into the bus.I sat by Gam again.Today was my friend's birthday so he gave cookies to his friends and Gamm had too.Then I shared my snack that I bring it from home with my friends.When we got to the school.I sat with my friends and took some pictures.They were very cute and when it is time to go home.I walked out to find my mom's car.Today the dogs came with us.When I got home,I mad my friend's present for his birthday.I will gave him tomorrow.I wrote Thai in there too.I think he could not understand555.Then my mom made Korea noodles for me but Jacob pour the water out and put something inside my cup.It was delicious but it was very hot.Then I writing this blog and after this I will ggo to bed.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

baseball game

    Today I woke up at 6.30.I took a bath and prepare to go to watch baseball game with my friends .I ate chips and saugage for lunch and then I go to watch the game.When we are watching the game,my friends asked me if I want to go outside.I go with my friends and then I found Thai people .Then we change facebook together.Then when I go home.I packed lunch for tomorrow and next I will go sleep

Saturday, April 20, 2013


   Today I did not have school but I woke up as similar as I had school.I woke up at 6.20. because I had very bad dream last night.I dream that I can not go home and my mom cry a lot and then I woke up.I ate eggs ,bacons,donut ,blackberries and some milk.I was very full.I talked to Jane today too.She came here last year.She was very friendly.I talked to her about 10 minutes and then I prepare to go.Today I went to buy the cards to invites my friends to come to my party this friday.I went shopping with Brylee and dad.I bought some snacks for school too.I bought the postcards and when I left home,I made every cards by myself.

Today I had new dog.It was white big dog.Someone deposit it with us until tomorrow.It was very cute.I love it very much.Then we ate Turkey and corn for supper.It was very delicious After we finished eating ,we go to the church.I saw Jean and Larson's family too.Then I talked to my friend by Line.Then I go upstairs to watched movies and writing this blog.After this I will watch this movie until the end and then I will go to bed early because tomorrow I have to go watching basketball games with my friends.I was very very excited.I like to watch it very much.Goodnight^*^

Friday, April 19, 2013


     Today I woke up at 6.20.Then I took a bath and ate cereal for breakfast.We watched movie named "Live of Pi"in the morning and then we went to Gene's school to watched the movie that students in that school made it.It was very fun.It sang and danced all the movie I think.I saw Bangban and my cousin Kendle.When we finished I saw Jacob too.He was eating so he said hi to me and then I walked on the bus to go to my school.It had snow storm today .They were lots of snow and rains.When I went back, I was very hungry .After we finished watching.We went back to our school to ate lunch.I had sausages,milk and donut that my mom bought it for me.It was very delicious.Then I go watched basketball game.Then I played game with Olivia and went back home.I was very hungry today so I ate mama .IT WAS MY LAST CUP.Then I watched Doraemon and ate chicken and chips again for supper.Now I am bloging and after this I think I will watch movies and then sleep .

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My new nails

   Today I woke up at 6.20. and I took a bath and ate cereal for breakfast.Then I go to school.I sat by Olivia in the morning.Then I learned bible history and math.I learned about time.Then I go to the gym.I ran around the gym 6 times and then I played tag with my friends.It was really fun.I love it.We learned social.I learnt about the history of Rome.Today was my teacher's birthday so she gave me some cake.It was very delicious.Then we ate lunch.We had hamburgers today.After we finished eating.I go with my friends to watch basketball games.I think it was bored.Then I learned English and science and the last subject is writing.Teacher asked me and Grace to go to the kitchen and get her some water.Today I taught my friends some Thai words too.I taught "shout up","please give me","thank you"and "crazy".That was so funny55555.Then I got home.I ate spagetti for supper.It was very good.Noah did it.Then I painted my nails again with my buddy.It was very funny because Jacob asked me to painted his nailed too.5555He was so cute.Then I painted his nails and then I hide the cleaner away from him so he could not find it55555.I mean right?My mom painted Titon's nails too.Then I took a bath and writing this blog .After this I think I will watching T.V. with my dad and Brylee and then I will go to bed.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Teacher come!!

   Today I woke up at 6.20.same as everyday .Then I took a bath,wash my hair and ate cereal for breakfast.To day we must go to the church .Then we learnt math and then they practise how to escape fire drill.We must go outside even though I did not wear any sweat shirt.It was very cold.Then we ate rice and chicken for lunch.I sit by Gam too.The rice was not very good .Then I go to watch basketball with my friends .It was very fun today because Keegan can choose so everybody called his name all the game.Today have science class.Teacher have game for us to play.I sit by Olivia ,Grace and Mady.They helped me very much so I win and teacher gave me a candy.Today it had typing class.I must type the things that teacher said.It was not very hard.Then I worked with my report a little bit then we had art class.It was very hard .I draw the buildings and sky.It was not very good I think5555.Then we go home.Today teacher came to my house.He took a picture of me and then I ate dinner.I talked to p.pesh very much and I will go to bed now.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


   Today I woke up at 6.20. I ate cereal for breakfast then I go to school.First class is very easy 555you know why?because someone wrote the answers in my book already■{}■if it was not have this answers ,it must be very hard.Then we go to learn math.I can do it because I learnt it already in Thailand.After this it was a snack time.I bring Thai snack from home.The snack that teacher George gave me before I go to this trip.I gave my friends some seaweed.555It was very fun.No one liked them.I must eat the others.Even gave me to try some of his pie and Grace gave me some cracker to try.It was very delicious.Then we had gym class.We ran around 8 times and do many things.I ate noodle for lunch.It was very good too.Then I go to the gym again to see Brylee played basketball.She was very good.Then we do our report and had science and social class.Teacher gave me the test but I could not do some of them so Mady and Rainbow helped me some but in science class I did not want to do the test so teacher told me to watched the movies .Then we go home.I read my novel from Thailand and then I ready to go to see my friends and skating together.I wear the shirt that teacher George gave me.Almost everyone wear it.It was very fun.We ate a lot of snack and drink.I think we did not play to much.I think we talk a lot.Then dad took me home so I forgot to tell my friends.On the way home,it was very excited because my dad told me that I must told him the way to go home but I cant remember that because almost every time that my mom drove me home  I sleep.So it was very hard for me to guess the way.I was very serious because my dad drove very fast but then I go home safely555First I think he will drive to Green bay so I was very nervous.After writing this blog,I will took a bath and then go to bed.

Monday, April 15, 2013

nice weather!!

   Today I woke up at 6.20.I have to go to school so I got dress and ate cereal for breakfast.Then my mom took me and Brylee to school.I learnt math ,bible history ,science and writing.It was very fun today because I taught my freind to see their hand writing that there were life line,heath line and brain line.It was very fun.They trust me!!5555It was very nice weather today.It was not cold and the sun is out so we must go to play outside.I played ball with Mady and Olivia.It was very fun too.I ate egg for lunch.It was very terrible.I hate it.Then we go home at 3.30.we had hot dog for dinner.It wa

s very delicious .I think I was very tired .After I finished this blog ,I think I will took a bath and go to bed early today.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


   Today I woke up at 9.30. because I was very tired.Last night at Jeorge wedding.First I taught that I must not dance but then my dad carry me to dance with him and my mom.After that I dance with with Gam,May and others all the party.It was very fun.We left home at 22.30.I washed my hair and took a bath but it was very late and I was very tired so I go to bed.Today we went to church at 10.30 because there was not anybody who woke up early to go to the church at 8.00.When we finished we left home and then I ,my dad ,Justus and Brylee go to buy some donuts and walked the dog.I ate white creme donut.It was very delicious but it was too sweet so I gave some creme for Brylee.Then I watched the movies and listened to the music.Today It was very fantastic day!!because my father farted in front of me about 8 times!!!Ohhhh god!!!It was very stinky.Then we ate chicken and some rice.After we finished eating.We took a picture together.Today was very fun and now I think I was very enjoy to stay in this house!I will prepare the things for school tomorrow ,took a bath and then I will go to bed.Sweet dream*^*

Friday, April 12, 2013


   Today I woke up at 6.20.I took a bath and ate cereal for breakfast.I learnt Math and then I go to play game in gym class.It was very fun.I must kick the ball and then ran .I could not do well because it was my first time .Then it was time to ate and break.I had yelly but I did not like it so I change my snack with James.James had pie so I ate his pie hihi .It was very delicious 555.Then we go to learn social and my mom come to take me and Brylee home because she was sick.Then we go to buy a new dress for the wedding tomorrow.I ate pizza and chips for dinner.It wss very delicious .I liked it.Then I took a bath,watched movies and writing this blog .After this I will go to bed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


   Today I woke up at 6.20. I took a bath and ate cereal for breakfast.Today at school have games .I must joy but could not played it so I stand and watched them.It was very fun and my freinds were very kind.She taught me to play it but I could not understand it.Today I had math class.I did not get any wrong in homework .Science class today have grade 5 to study with us.A boy named Jacob sat by me.He learnt with me but at the end of the class he gave me his paper that he drew a picture of a girl and his name.I thanked him for it and go to eat lunch.I had chicken burger.It was very good.Then we had social class.Teachers gave homeworks to us but I must not do it because teacher said that it was too hard for me.I played games with Grace because she has done her homework already.In gym class ,we watched basketball game.I did not watched it because I talked to Rainbow and Olivia.They were very funny.Then I go home at 3.30.We ate fish for dinner and bananas.I did my homeworks already and took a bath so When I finished this block I think I will watch T.V.and go to sleep with Brylee.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


  Today I woke up at 6.20.I ate breakfast and go to school at 7.20.We we nt to movies room to waited for study.I played with Olivia.Then when it was time to go stidy.Everybody go to ford to the teacher but I did not have to.We learned science,math,art,socail and gym.I got 18 points inMath.I ate meatloaf with ketchup for lunch.It was good .Then I went to see Brylee played basketball.She was very good.Then I go home .My dogs came with my mom too.I taught this school have lots of homework.Today I done math and my report already.I took a bath and then my cat came out so I took a picture of her.It was very hard for me because she was bite me when I try to took a picture of her.So this is my first picture for me and my cat.Conglatulations!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

second school day!

   Today I woke up very early because I have school and Patt came to my house to took a video.I woke up at 6.15. and that I was very sleepy.Patty was already come when I go upstairs.She liked my dogs very much.I do the normally the same things.I went to school.Teacher gave me some books to study.It was very fun day.Most of them I could not understand it but that was ok.My freinds were very nice.I teached them to speak Thailand.It was very funny.They could not speak it correctly.I had gym class too.It was very cool.We played basketball together.Math was very easy to me.In Thailand I was not good at math but in this class I was good.It was very fun day and the teachers were very kind too.I loves school.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

missing you spencer●3●

  Today I woke up at 7.30. because Jinny woke me up.She wanted to washed her head so she must woke up early.I waited for Jinny to finished took a bath.When I waited,I played with spencer,Jinny's dog,it was very cute and very small too.Then when Jinny finished I go to took a bath.Then we ride bicycle.There was 2 bicycles.One is small and one is big .Jinny took a small one so I must took a big one.It was very hard to ride because if compared to me,I must be very small.Then we ride about 5 minutes and Jinny asked to go home because it was very cold.We ate cereal.Mr.Walsh picked it for us.He was very kind.Then when we finished eating ,we played games and I wanted to watched movies.Jinny's house had cinema room too.It was very cool but Jinny could not open the movies so we called Connor for some help.We watched movie named"The Incredible"It was very fun.Then I taught that I wanted to see Brylee's played basketball so I called Mrs.Walsh but she was at walmart so I waited for her and then she came at 12.25. so I asked her to go home.Before I asked her to go home,I told my mom already.Then Jinny and Mrs.Walsh took me home.I thanked her very much and then we prepared to watched Brylee played basketball.It was very fun.Brylee was very good.Then we went home.I watched Brylee and the boys played basketball.It was very fun too.They were very enjoy this game.Everytime I watched this game,I was very happy.After this I prepared the things that I will use tomorrow for school.Tomorrow teacher Jeorge will come to my house and take video of me during school(so I must do the things that I did not do usually krikri)Now I am watching movies name batman and after this I will go to bed.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

cool day

  Today I woke up at9.00. and I ate cereal for breakfast and took a bath.Today mom was not at home so dad take care of us today.I watched hunger game with my family and then I played card with Brylee.It was very fun.Then we ate rice and chicken.It was very delicious.Then I went to saw the movies with Jinny and freinds.Then I went to Jinny's house .It was very big.It had movies room.I love it and the dog was very cute .It was very small.I love it too.

beautiful day

  Yesterday I woke up very early because I must go to the zoo with Brylee,Kedan ,kendle and others .It was very big if we compared to Thailand.It had lots of animal and we can feed geese too.We went to the top of view point .It had the sentence that sai loves...forever but I didn't write it.I taught that someone wrote it long time ago.Then I bought some souvenirs.It caught 14 dollars.Then we went to mcdonalds to ate lunch and went to ice cream shop.I ate birthday cake icecream.It was very delicious.Then We went to the Justice shop.It had many cute things .I boudht lots of neckless and a hat.Then we went home and watched movies.I was very tired so I did not writed block that day.Sorry about it. V

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Funny day

    Today I woke up at 8.30 . and played phone until9.00. and then I took a bath and ate cereal.Then mom came and  Kendal kaden came too.We played games together .It was very fun .They ate magarone cheese for lunch and I ate mama.Then we went to jump on the trampoline.First it was very fun but at the end Kendle falled down the trampoline.It was very hurt and she cried a lot so their mother took them home.I and Brylee waited to go practise basketball.Them mom drove us to school.Our dogs came too.They were very excited.Then I and mom went home to let the dogs in the house and then we went to school because of Nova and then we went to Kendle and Kedan house to waited but she went to take her furnitures.I waited with Nova until 5.00. and then we went home.It was very funny because there were only 3 seats left because there was a furniture in front of the car so I sat in the middle of the car and Nova sat on Jacons leg and Justus sat beside me.It was very fun because Jacob mutter all the way home that Nova was very heavy.Then when we went home.They played basketball together and I watched .It was very good game.I love this day!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

super bored day

       Today I did not go to school so I woke up at 9.00. and then I took a bath and ate cereal.Then I played phone and watched movies to waited until my mom came home.Then my mom came home,I was very happy to see her because I was very bored that time.Then I ate hams.It was very delicious.Then I watched movies again and again.It was so bored .Today my house was very quiet because Jacob and Nova go to Chicaco .They will come home tonight and mom was sleeping and dad was at work and Justus was sick so he slept in his room.I watched movies and watched and watched until we went to school because Brylee had to go practise basketball.When we waited her,I and my mom went to my mom's freind's house.I played with their children .They have dog ,cat and hamster.Their hamster was sos cute.I was very fun and then we went to school to get Brylee home.Then we watched TV and then I writing this blog .

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Big fancy day

   Today I was very excited because Jinny will come to my house.I woke up at 7.00. but I played my phone until9.00.Today mom and dad went to work so I took a bath,ate breakfast and watched movies.Then mom came home about11.30.We waited for Jinny together.Then Jinny came ,my dogs barked very loud.We played a lot today.We painted our fingers,played trampoline with my buddy   and played skating and now the things I very surprised is Jinny nit afraid of my dogs anymore.In Thailand she was so afraid of them.When we played trampoline,Jinny hurted me many times.She jumped on me.She kicked me but that was ok.Then we went to skate together.It was very fun .I live this day!

Monday, April 1, 2013


  Today I woke up 7.30.I woke up very early because today I must go shopping with Jean's family.I took a bath and ate some serial.Then Sarah drove me to Jean's family house.It was a small house but I think it was little fancy.When we got there ,Mrs Larson said that the boys were not ready yet so Sarah walked upstairs to their bedrooms to woke Aonol up and I and Brylee walked after her krikri■{}■.The first word that Jean talked to me was "WHY WERE YOU HERE!!!".I was very please to hear that,I am just kidding.Then I went downstairs to waited.There was many toys and food .Mrs.Larson asked me to wrote on her wall and I wrote my name in that.Everyone wrote on that wall.Then when the boys were finished we went into Sarah's car to shopping together.Today everybody seem boring except me I think because I love to spend money .5555and today I spend lots of money to buy toys for me and for my freinds.I think today I spend a hundred dollars but Jean spent 1.50dollars.compared it ,it was impossible.We ate lunch in the restaurant.It was very delicious and everyone ate a lot if you compared to me.It had manythings to choose and ate.After this we went to shopping again.I thinked I bought everytimes in every stores except the book stores because I played games in tablet.It said that for children12years old but I think someone who played it was older than that.Then we went home at2.30.It was very fun dayyy!!I live the school house the most because it sold many stickers and I bought a lot of them today.★{}★I love shopping!!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013


   Tiday I woke up very early because today is easter so we must go to church.I took a bath.When I finished it Sarah gave me a basket for this specail day.It was a shirt and some candies.Then I waited for everyone to be ready.Then we got to the bus to go to church.It was little bored for me to sit for an hour.After this we had breakfast.I had some hams,potatoes,grapes and donuts.I saw didi too.I played find eggs too.I found lots of eggs and inside it was a lot of candies.Then we went home to cook.I cooked some eggs and Sarah told me that it was delicious.I was very happy to hear that.Then I went into my room to eat some of my snack with Brylee and then Sarah came to talked to me a little bit and then she went upstairs.After this Sarah's mom,Sarah's dad ,Sarah's sister and cousin comes to our house for easter .The children were very cute .I love them.We played tamboline together .It was very fun and then we stopped because of the snow storm.It was fantastic day.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

nap day

    Yesterday  I watched the movies with Tim ,Justus and Brylee. It was very fun but I was very sleepy so I slept on the floor and then Tim told me to go to bed because it was very late and I was very sleepy.I woke up at 9.00.Then I had a bath and had breakfast with everyone in the house .After we finished eating we went to walmart with everyone except Justus and Tim.We went to walmart to buy some food.I bought 4 pens and toy.It was so cool.Then we went to Asein market.The vendor was Thai people.He saw me and he known that I was Thailand too so he talked to me with Thai language.He asked me that how long did I get to America and he told me that it was too cold for him to stay there.I bought 5 sardines fish and oishi.Then we went home to eat lunch .I had pizza ,mama and sadine too.Then I play just dance with Brylee and Justus and bwhen I finished I felt sleepy again so I go to bed and I woke up at 4.00.It was very long rest.I slept for 3 hours.Then I waited for dinner.I ate fried chicken.It was very delicious.Then I helped Brylee to colour easter eggs.It was very fun.I love it.I wrote some words on eggs.It was very cool.I had nev

er do this before.Then we cleaned up and now I watched movie with Brylee and writing this blog

Friday, March 29, 2013


  Today it my first day to go to the Bethany school with my buddy,Brylee.It was very fun.Everybody was very friendly .I went to the library with my freinds and teacher in the morning.I read book about dogs and I played with my freinds too.They were very nice and they were very excited about my own house too.Then we went back to school and waited for lunch.We played ball with Brylee and her freinds .They were very cute.Teacher had a test but I did not do that because I don't know.After this I had fish sticks for lunch.It was very delicious.I gave Brylee a Thai candy fruit too but it was very spicy for her so she gave everyone to teat it and they were spicy for everyone too.I could not understand it because for me it was very sweet.When I finished eating,Brylee's freind teach me to put away my plate because I do not know where it is and Brylee washed the table.Then we went to watched movie.There was very fun and then I went to the church with my host .The sing was very tuneful.Then we went to buy some pizza.It has Thai pizza too.They smelled very good for me.Then we went to rent some movies to watch together tonight .I was very excited to go there .It was very big store.We rent about 6 movies.Then Tim drove me home and then I and Brylee have some pizza.Thai pizza was very good .I love it but I think it was not too spicy same as Thailand does and when I ate it my buddy's brother,Justis,sang a song too.I think it was ok.He danced very cool too.When I finished eating I and Brylee go to jump.It was very fun day for me and now we are watching movie together.■☆■and I do not afraid of their dogs anymore.They were very freindly and I love to played with themm●3●

Thursday, March 28, 2013

little party

   Today we woke up very early to pack the things that we are going to meet host.Everybody prepare to have a party tonight.I was very excited to go to live with host because it is my first time to live with other people.We ate lunch at school with our freinds yesterday.After this we prepared to have a little meet party for our hosts.My host are very kind and funny.My buddy is very cute too.I think I live to stay with them.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

the croods

        Yesterday at night ,we went to the cinema in Greenbay to watch movie.The movie name is The Croods.We watched it in 3d.It was very funny.It was about a family that loves to live in cave except their dauther that loves the sun then they see the new world by the corious of her and the advengers become.I was very excited to see this.Then we went home to sleep.I slept very late so today I woke up late too.In the morning teacher said that we must have 2 people to pick the trash in everyroom in the bin and we must draw lots to find that 2 people.Then everyone sat on the floor to wait but I,Jinny and Bangpan were woke up late so we were not finished.Then teacher said we must do that duty.After that we go to the cheese factorie.It was very big and the guite was very kind too. He gave us many cheese to taste.They were very wonderful.Then they shown us everything about his factory.When we were out to leave ,I bought a cheese hat and some keyrings .After that we went to Hongkong restaurant but it was not much delicious to me.We paid for our meal .Then we went to the cow farm.It was very big and smell very bad for me.We walked around the farm and look for their machines.Their cows were very big.When I were there I saw 2 children.One was a boy and one was a girl.The girl was very pretty but the man I did not have the words to explain him but that was ok.I dont mind very much about that.Then we went to the chicken farm.It had many chicken and Alpaca.Alpaca was very cute.I feed them by my hand and it was very stick.Then the woman asked me if I can knit she would gave me some Alpaca hair to knit a scaft and I told her that I can so she gave me some. We thanked them for the trip and then we went to the minimart to buy some food for our host meeting party.I and my friends bought some mama and then we got on the bus to go to the library to write a blog.

cool day

   Yesterday in the afternoon,we went to walmart again to buy some snack and some food.Then we went to eat dinner at Mr.Lukky.I ate chicken sandwich and some chips.It was very delicious.I love it very much.After this we went to teacher Jeorge mom's house.It had a dog.His name is Pepper.Then we got home about 21.00.Today I woke up at 6.30.Then I took a bath and started to maked a snowman and if we win,teacher said that he will give us some presents.Then we went to the restaurant in the evening to buy some food and then we go to the library to write blogs.


Yesterday, we went to play bowling and met our hosts.They were very friendly and kind.When we played bowling ,teacher talk with them about us.I talked with my buddy already.She was very nice and kind.Then we went home at 22.30 p.m.Today it was sunday ,so we went to the church.I was very sleepy because last night I slept too late but it was not terrible.I love it.


When I was in the airport ,I was very excited because this is my first trip to America .We flown in the aeroplane about 5 hours to Korea and then we waited for the next flight to Chicaco.When I have arrived to Korea ,teacher allowed us to buy  some gifts for our relations .I have bought some Korean keyrings. For me,in the airplane was really bored because I can only watched movies ,listened to the music and take some rest but the food is yummy and the service is excellent.When I arrive to Chicaco, the weather was very cold but it had little snow .Then teacher drove us to Wisconsin .It was colder than Chicaco and it had lots of snow.We play with snow together with the teacher,it was ver fun.Now we are at the library for us to write a blog and it is time for library to close now.Bye●3●

the first day at school

Last night we went to play skating but before that we went to eat dinner at Arby restaurant .My host family is coming too.They were very nice.I could not play it beceuse it was my first time but Brylee,my buddy,help me very much and Jacob help me too.They were very kind.Then we went to bed and today we made a present and card for our host and principle .After this we went to school.I,Jinny and Bangpan were in grade 6.Freinds were very nice and teacher taught very fun.I love them.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Hello.My name is Phatcharaya . My surname is Panyoi .My nickname is Sai .I am 12 years old.I am study in Satriwithaya school.My major is science-math. I am in grade 7.My biryhday is on 29 June in 2000.I have one brother , his name is Sea.My family has 10 members.I have 4 dogs , 4 fish , five chichens and 9 birds.My dogs name are Pocky , Pepsi , Koki and Taro. My favourite color is blue . I like to eat friend chicken.My  hobby is listening to the music .I can play Piano and recorder.Mathermatics and English are my favourite subjects.I am good in art but I am bad in Science somtimes.My motto is Joy and narrow are as near today and tomorrow.My idol is Gonghyon . He is in Shinee.