Monday, April 22, 2013


   Today I woke up at 4.30. because today I must go to the capital.I was very tired.My mom took us to school at about 5.50.Then she went home.I saw Gam .She came with me today.On the bus,I sat by gam and my teacher.He was very kind.He asked me and Gam if we know Chieng mai ,The city in Thailand,because his friends stay there.Today was very fun .I took  lots of pictures about this trip.I ate sandwich ,bananas and chips for lunch.We ate lunch at the park.Then we walked over.We saw snake too but I could not take a picture because teacher did not allow us to do.We keep walking until we got into the bus.I sat by Gam again.Today was my friend's birthday so he gave cookies to his friends and Gamm had too.Then I shared my snack that I bring it from home with my friends.When we got to the school.I sat with my friends and took some pictures.They were very cute and when it is time to go home.I walked out to find my mom's car.Today the dogs came with us.When I got home,I mad my friend's present for his birthday.I will gave him tomorrow.I wrote Thai in there too.I think he could not understand555.Then my mom made Korea noodles for me but Jacob pour the water out and put something inside my cup.It was delicious but it was very hot.Then I writing this blog and after this I will ggo to bed.

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