Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Big fancy day

   Today I was very excited because Jinny will come to my house.I woke up at 7.00. but I played my phone until9.00.Today mom and dad went to work so I took a bath,ate breakfast and watched movies.Then mom came home about11.30.We waited for Jinny together.Then Jinny came ,my dogs barked very loud.We played a lot today.We painted our fingers,played trampoline with my buddy   and played skating and now the things I very surprised is Jinny nit afraid of my dogs anymore.In Thailand she was so afraid of them.When we played trampoline,Jinny hurted me many times.She jumped on me.She kicked me but that was ok.Then we went to skate together.It was very fun .I live this day!


  1. I'm curious if your school allows you to have nail painting? I mean there not here in Thailand na ka.

    1. Most of girls in America painted their nails ka.No matter teacher will not scold us.Thank you for yourworry

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you.I have same color as Jinny because we painted them together.
