Tuesday, April 23, 2013

smile day

    Today I and Brylee woke up very late.I was very shocked because our clock did not woke us up so mom went downstairs and woke us up.It was very late so I did not took a shower.I brush my teeth and ate cereal for breakfast.Today I was very happy.I smiled almost all day until my science teacher told me that I was more cute than others hahaha.I gave Even my present that I made yesterday for his birthday.He thank me very much about it.I learnt languge today .I won the game too.I ate rice and pancakes.It was very delicious.Then before go home I gave sweat shirt back to Gam because I forgot to gave her yesterday.Then I ran with Brylee to gave everyone the invite card to come to our home for my party.Then I ate pork and rice for supper.It was very delicious too.After this I ate my ice cream that I bought it from walmart with my dad.I painted my nail again today and I wrote on it SaiBrylee.It was really cool.Then after this I will go to bed.I love this day the most!!££££

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