Wednesday, March 27, 2013


When I was in the airport ,I was very excited because this is my first trip to America .We flown in the aeroplane about 5 hours to Korea and then we waited for the next flight to Chicaco.When I have arrived to Korea ,teacher allowed us to buy  some gifts for our relations .I have bought some Korean keyrings. For me,in the airplane was really bored because I can only watched movies ,listened to the music and take some rest but the food is yummy and the service is excellent.When I arrive to Chicaco, the weather was very cold but it had little snow .Then teacher drove us to Wisconsin .It was colder than Chicaco and it had lots of snow.We play with snow together with the teacher,it was ver fun.Now we are at the library for us to write a blog and it is time for library to close now.Bye●3●

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