Saturday, April 27, 2013

prepared tears for tomorrow★{}★

      Sorry that I did not blog last night.Last night my friends in my school came to my house to have party for me.I love that they .I try to do not cry but I cant.Today I stay home with Jinny ,Kendle and caelan.We ate and played all day.We played trampoline and cards.Then Jinny mother came to pick her up.Then I painted my nails again with Brylee.I talked to my friends at school all day cause they say they will miss me.My dad bought chicken for supper.It was really good.I love it cause it was my last supper in this house.I think you will understand my feel.I do not want my mom to cry tomorrow and I must not cry is only one way to make her happy but I think I can not.I will cry a lot tomorrow.I prepared tears for tomorrow already.Now I will shower and then go to bed.Thank you for everything you gave me Tim and Sarah Kupsky.My mom and dad.You will be my mom and dad forever.I will not forget you.I enjoy staying here and I hope that I can come back next year and see you again...


  1. Sai, Thank you for being such a great friend with Brylee! You are such an amazing young lady and a great daughter. I hope we can talk your mom into letting you return. Enjoy your time in Chicago. Love lots, Your American Mom and Dad

  2. I want to cry now.I just see your comment .Thank lots.Love and miss u very much.
