Thursday, April 18, 2013

My new nails

   Today I woke up at 6.20. and I took a bath and ate cereal for breakfast.Then I go to school.I sat by Olivia in the morning.Then I learned bible history and math.I learned about time.Then I go to the gym.I ran around the gym 6 times and then I played tag with my friends.It was really fun.I love it.We learned social.I learnt about the history of Rome.Today was my teacher's birthday so she gave me some cake.It was very delicious.Then we ate lunch.We had hamburgers today.After we finished eating.I go with my friends to watch basketball games.I think it was bored.Then I learned English and science and the last subject is writing.Teacher asked me and Grace to go to the kitchen and get her some water.Today I taught my friends some Thai words too.I taught "shout up","please give me","thank you"and "crazy".That was so funny55555.Then I got home.I ate spagetti for supper.It was very good.Noah did it.Then I painted my nails again with my buddy.It was very funny because Jacob asked me to painted his nailed too.5555He was so cute.Then I painted his nails and then I hide the cleaner away from him so he could not find it55555.I mean right?My mom painted Titon's nails too.Then I took a bath and writing this blog .After this I think I will watching T.V. with my dad and Brylee and then I will go to bed.


  1. Noah made supper??? I guess he can have the credit..55555....Happy to hear you are enjoying school so much! Jacob looks like a girl...555

  2. I like Titon's nails too. Please tell me how he felt.
