Wednesday, April 3, 2013

super bored day

       Today I did not go to school so I woke up at 9.00. and then I took a bath and ate cereal.Then I played phone and watched movies to waited until my mom came home.Then my mom came home,I was very happy to see her because I was very bored that time.Then I ate hams.It was very delicious.Then I watched movies again and again.It was so bored .Today my house was very quiet because Jacob and Nova go to Chicaco .They will come home tonight and mom was sleeping and dad was at work and Justus was sick so he slept in his room.I watched movies and watched and watched until we went to school because Brylee had to go practise basketball.When we waited her,I and my mom went to my mom's freind's house.I played with their children .They have dog ,cat and hamster.Their hamster was sos cute.I was very fun and then we went to school to get Brylee home.Then we watched TV and then I writing this blog .


  1. I'm not certain whether that's a hamster or guinea pig. Hamster should be smaller than this. Don't you think so? Any way, it's soooo cute.

  2. 5555YES ,I think so but before she shown me this hamster.She told me that "it same like mouse but was and hamster.It was not bite you dont be afraid."5555●3●
