Tuesday, April 16, 2013


   Today I woke up at 6.20. I ate cereal for breakfast then I go to school.First class is very easy 555you know why?because someone wrote the answers in my book already■{}■if it was not have this answers ,it must be very hard.Then we go to learn math.I can do it because I learnt it already in Thailand.After this it was a snack time.I bring Thai snack from home.The snack that teacher George gave me before I go to this trip.I gave my friends some seaweed.555It was very fun.No one liked them.I must eat the others.Even gave me to try some of his pie and Grace gave me some cracker to try.It was very delicious.Then we had gym class.We ran around 8 times and do many things.I ate noodle for lunch.It was very good too.Then I go to the gym again to see Brylee played basketball.She was very good.Then we do our report and had science and social class.Teacher gave me the test but I could not do some of them so Mady and Rainbow helped me some but in science class I did not want to do the test so teacher told me to watched the movies .Then we go home.I read my novel from Thailand and then I ready to go to see my friends and skating together.I wear the shirt that teacher George gave me.Almost everyone wear it.It was very fun.We ate a lot of snack and drink.I think we did not play to much.I think we talk a lot.Then dad took me home so I forgot to tell my friends.On the way home,it was very excited because my dad told me that I must told him the way to go home but I cant remember that because almost every time that my mom drove me home  I sleep.So it was very hard for me to guess the way.I was very serious because my dad drove very fast but then I go home safely555First I think he will drive to Green bay so I was very nervous.After writing this blog,I will took a bath and then go to bed.

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