Saturday, April 6, 2013

beautiful day

  Yesterday I woke up very early because I must go to the zoo with Brylee,Kedan ,kendle and others .It was very big if we compared to Thailand.It had lots of animal and we can feed geese too.We went to the top of view point .It had the sentence that sai loves...forever but I didn't write it.I taught that someone wrote it long time ago.Then I bought some souvenirs.It caught 14 dollars.Then we went to mcdonalds to ate lunch and went to ice cream shop.I ate birthday cake icecream.It was very delicious.Then We went to the Justice shop.It had many cute things .I boudht lots of neckless and a hat.Then we went home and watched movies.I was very tired so I did not writed block that day.Sorry about it. V