Sunday, March 31, 2013


   Tiday I woke up very early because today is easter so we must go to church.I took a bath.When I finished it Sarah gave me a basket for this specail day.It was a shirt and some candies.Then I waited for everyone to be ready.Then we got to the bus to go to church.It was little bored for me to sit for an hour.After this we had breakfast.I had some hams,potatoes,grapes and donuts.I saw didi too.I played find eggs too.I found lots of eggs and inside it was a lot of candies.Then we went home to cook.I cooked some eggs and Sarah told me that it was delicious.I was very happy to hear that.Then I went into my room to eat some of my snack with Brylee and then Sarah came to talked to me a little bit and then she went upstairs.After this Sarah's mom,Sarah's dad ,Sarah's sister and cousin comes to our house for easter .The children were very cute .I love them.We played tamboline together .It was very fun and then we stopped because of the snow storm.It was fantastic day.


  1. I am so glad you are having so much fun. We really enjoy having you in our family...

  2. Nong Sai, You are very good in writing, can imagine and enjoy.
    Nice to post pictures which cleary seem. Thanks na ka.
    P Gene & June's Mum.
