Tuesday, April 30, 2013

the zoo

   Today I woke up at 6.30.I wear shirt same like Bangpan and Jinny because we bought together at gift shop.we ate rice for breakfast .Then we went to the zoo.It was very hot today.The sun is out.I saw lots of animals.After we finished we ate lunch at restaueant.We got to the bus again to the Aquarium.It had lots of fishes too.I took lots of pictures.Then we walked to the park and ate supper at DQ.I ate ice cream too.It was very delocious.After this I will took a bath ,listen to the music and then I will go to bed cause I am very tired.

Second day as Chicaco

        Today I woke up at 6.20.We wear green shirt together then we ate lasagna.Today I was very fun cause I go lots of places.Today teacher George gave us tickets for train .We went to bean.We took lots of pictures.Then we ate snacks and walked about 2 kilometres to fun fair.It was very fun.I played with Bangpan and others.Then we ate lunch.It was very delicious .I bought some bracelets and rings.Then we went to tallest tower.It was very beautiful city.Then we went to eat pizza.It was very delicious.After this we went back to the hotel.It was very windy but very fun day too.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

already used all tears that I prepared before

  Today I woke up at 6.20.because we have to go to church together for the last time...I ate cereal ,the last meal in my house,I ate more than everyday.I think Brylee cried but she did not want me to know.Today I sat between mom and dad at church.Dad played with me .He was very kind same as my dad in Thailand .I think a lot of the things that I do with my family and want to cry that time but I promised my mom and dad already for not cry so I cant.When we finished we get to the bus for took me to teacher George .I took pictures with Justus,Jacob and Noah.I did not want to cry because if I cry I think my mom and Brylee will cry too so I try not to...Before they go,my mom gave me something and she said that you opened it when you sad.Then she gone.I go into the house.I saw Pokpong,Inn and Bangpan.I was very sad and very want to cry that time so I opened the things that my mom gave me.It was bracelet and cards.I read it then I cried a lot.Bangpan was with me too.She said I am gonna be ok.I think that time I want to ran after your van to the house and stay with you again but I cant.Then I wear that bracelet and I thunk I will wear it forever...I miss you Kupskys.Then when everyone were all come.We got to the bus and drove to Chicaco.Today I was very hungry cause we did not eat lunch and then we were at the hotel.We played a lot and ate a lot.We ate chicken and pizza for supper but when me,Bangpan,May and Jinny .It was very fun.Then I took pictures with Bangpan and others...I was very tired.I took a bath already and then I will talked to my friends and then I will go to bed.Miss you...●3●Sarah,Tim,Justus,Brylee Kupsky and Jacob and Noah...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

prepared tears for tomorrow★{}★

      Sorry that I did not blog last night.Last night my friends in my school came to my house to have party for me.I love that they .I try to do not cry but I cant.Today I stay home with Jinny ,Kendle and caelan.We ate and played all day.We played trampoline and cards.Then Jinny mother came to pick her up.Then I painted my nails again with Brylee.I talked to my friends at school all day cause they say they will miss me.My dad bought chicken for supper.It was really good.I love it cause it was my last supper in this house.I think you will understand my feel.I do not want my mom to cry tomorrow and I must not cry is only one way to make her happy but I think I can not.I will cry a lot tomorrow.I prepared tears for tomorrow already.Now I will shower and then go to bed.Thank you for everything you gave me Tim and Sarah Kupsky.My mom and dad.You will be my mom and dad forever.I will not forget you.I enjoy staying here and I hope that I can come back next year and see you again...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Miss all of youuu.....

    Today we can woke up on time!!Yeahhhhhh.We woke up at 6.20.Then I get dress and ate cereal for breakfast.I go to school and then gave my friends presents.They thanked me very much .Today I talked a lot so my friends told me that I am crazy5555.I read Thai comics for.everyone too.They were very shocked because I read very fast.I gave girls bracelet and key ring and I gave boys 2 key rings because I think boy will not wear my bracelet555.Today I had math test too.It was very hard.I can not do it.£^£.After this we played kick ball.I was sucks5555but that is ok because my friends were so good so we won.I had hamburger for lunch.Today someone bring snake to school too.I was very scared .Then I go home.I ate hamburger,hot dog and chips for supper.It was very good.Noah made it(not mom)$_$Then I go shopping with Noah and my mom.I bought lots of Thai food and seaweed.Noah bought me coffee at stabucks.He paid it for me too.He was very kind.It was too big but it was very delicious.It was my first time to drink coffee so it was very strong.I think tonight I wont be sleep$^$ and I dont want to wake because tomorrow is my last day to go to school.I will be very sad...Goodnight..*£*

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Drawing day

  Today I and Brylee woke up very late again.I was very shock.I do not know why we were not get up on time.I went to school with my mom ,Jacob,Brylee and Noah.Today I had keyboarding class.It was the first and the last class that I learn because other class I draw pictures and read books.Before we go home I draw pictures of boys in class.That was so funny.My friends asked me to draw everyone and show him tomorrow.I ate eggs and noodles for supper.It was very delicious .Then I go downstairs to draw pictures with Brylee and learn math because tomorrow we will have test.Today my mom and dad took a shower of Titon,my dog, too because he was very dirty.He was very stink5555.My mom told me what to do when I am in Chicaco next week so I go downstairs again to pack my bag for Chicaco.Then I will took a bath and go to bed.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

smile day

    Today I and Brylee woke up very late.I was very shocked because our clock did not woke us up so mom went downstairs and woke us up.It was very late so I did not took a shower.I brush my teeth and ate cereal for breakfast.Today I was very happy.I smiled almost all day until my science teacher told me that I was more cute than others hahaha.I gave Even my present that I made yesterday for his birthday.He thank me very much about it.I learnt languge today .I won the game too.I ate rice and pancakes.It was very delicious.Then before go home I gave sweat shirt back to Gam because I forgot to gave her yesterday.Then I ran with Brylee to gave everyone the invite card to come to our home for my party.Then I ate pork and rice for supper.It was very delicious too.After this I ate my ice cream that I bought it from walmart with my dad.I painted my nail again today and I wrote on it SaiBrylee.It was really cool.Then after this I will go to bed.I love this day the most!!££££